Let me Introduce

Foto saya
Hello Everyone... Pa Kabare...?? pasti gut2 aja kan. let me introduce my self : u can call me fadjar. yang lahir dari rahim seorang ibu yang penuh cinta pada tahun 80an.. well kalo pengen tau lbih banyak, lewat postingan aja ya... ato kita bisa berdiskusi n pastinya belajar bareng di dumay ini. you can find me at f_adhie@yahoo.com (4 email, FB n FS) or at desta_item (4 YM). oke...matursuwun udah baca... moga ga bingung dengan bahasa gado2 ini...(^^,) smile u later...

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Obrolan Geje

Halooo guys...hehehehe... 2012 kok gw malah mandeg ya nge bloge...
*ampuni hambamu dewa blogger...-_-"
Nampaknya gw kudu semedi dulu di bawah aer terjun ni biar seger ngeblognya.cuman khawatir aja takut kejatuhan batu...sakiiittt...

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Power of Words

I am everything you want
I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you 
and I don't know why
(VH - Everything U want)

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Power of Words

We're alive, now let's just take our time
Now let's just make the most of every day we have
The most of every moment, we're alive
Now let's not waste our time
Now let's just make the most of every breath we take
The most of every second we're alive
Oh, 'cause we're alive, oh

(Standing Ovation - GC)