Let me Introduce

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Hello Everyone... Pa Kabare...?? pasti gut2 aja kan. let me introduce my self : u can call me fadjar. yang lahir dari rahim seorang ibu yang penuh cinta pada tahun 80an.. well kalo pengen tau lbih banyak, lewat postingan aja ya... ato kita bisa berdiskusi n pastinya belajar bareng di dumay ini. you can find me at f_adhie@yahoo.com (4 email, FB n FS) or at desta_item (4 YM). oke...matursuwun udah baca... moga ga bingung dengan bahasa gado2 ini...(^^,) smile u later...

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Aluto - Michi (to You All) *In English

Just as usual,
when i turn around that corner,
I merge into the sea of people
and melt away into nothing.

I lose myself completely,
and can find no words to say.
Yet, one thing, your voice
still remains, still remains.

Everything about you, your smile, your anger...
keeps me walking forward.
If i just look up, where the clouds start to break...
I think you know what i mean.
I think you know what i mean

Having lived ambiguosly
My heart is immature, but...
That’s okay, look! Outside
An important person awaits.

If you lost your way
I would probably become your guide

I had a way to make sure
You’d have to trust yourself from now on
Don’t be afraid

Light is set free and collects in the sky
You can grasp the situation
And the path I walk
It’ll probably shine more


I reach for your hair, your voice, your mouth, your fingertips

Even just now is good.

note :
follow this link 4 download this song

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