Let me Introduce

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Hello Everyone... Pa Kabare...?? pasti gut2 aja kan. let me introduce my self : u can call me fadjar. yang lahir dari rahim seorang ibu yang penuh cinta pada tahun 80an.. well kalo pengen tau lbih banyak, lewat postingan aja ya... ato kita bisa berdiskusi n pastinya belajar bareng di dumay ini. you can find me at f_adhie@yahoo.com (4 email, FB n FS) or at desta_item (4 YM). oke...matursuwun udah baca... moga ga bingung dengan bahasa gado2 ini...(^^,) smile u later...

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Lost - ColdPlay

Just becouse i'm losing
Doesn't mean i'm lost
Doesn't mean i'm stop
Doesn't mean i will cross

Just becouse i'm hurting
Doesn't mean i'm hurt
Doesn't mean i didn't get what i deserved
No better n no worse

I just got lost
Every river that i tried to cross
Every door i ever tried was locked
Oh and i'm just waiting 'till the shines wears off

You may be a big fishin a little pond
Doesn't mean you've won
'Cause a long may come
A bigger one

And you'll be lost
Every river that you tried to cross
Every gun you ever held went off
Oh and i'm just waiting 'till the firing stopped
Oh and i'm just waiting 'till the shines wears off

Oh and i'm just waiting 'till the shines wears off
Oh and i'm just waiting 'till the shines wears off

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